Venus/Mariela. Mexican. unl. sapphic

SHINee, SNSD, Gorillaz, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, George Harrison & Paul McCartney, Joan Baez, Jimi Hendrix etc

I've been semi ia for a few months now. i’m ot2 tvxq. i curse and tweet sarcastically a lot. i make kms/kys jokes (only with close mutuals) i don’t engage in fan wars but I WILL defend shinee like my life depended on it. ot9 sone and i bias jessica, i don’t mind ot8 sones but if you discredit jessica’s work with snsd/dislike her dont follow

DONT FOLLOW IFsupport jimmy page. won't hold rockstars accountable (go out of your way to defend/ignore problematic actions) basic criteria. ot4 shawol. ot5 cassiopeia (you support yoochun, idrc about j+j). under 16 (current moots fine) ship anyone in gorillaz. don’t really care about solo stans. i DO mind akgaes please don’t follow me.